There are plenty of things in this world that are easy to get into but hard to get out of. Debt is one of them. Credit card debt, to be precise, ranks among the top of the pile for most working professionals. So, how do you get rid of your debt? Many verses have been written and digested but none have provided the right insight or have had the impact that a person in debt is satisfied with. So, here’s our take on how to become debt-free as told by a financial planner.
The problem here isn’t that you have these subscriptions, the problem is that you barely spend any time making use of them. So, make sure to rid yourself of any such commitments and work consciously towards changing your spending behaviour.
A credit card debt is a really bad thing to have, but it is by no means the worst. WIth proper planning and strategy it can be overcome but it requires the right kind of discipline from you.
- Know how much you owe
- Work on your spending habit
The problem here isn’t that you have these subscriptions, the problem is that you barely spend any time making use of them. So, make sure to rid yourself of any such commitments and work consciously towards changing your spending behaviour.
- Consolidate your debt
- Make use of your assets
- Go one card after the other
- Follow a strict no balance carrying policy
A credit card debt is a really bad thing to have, but it is by no means the worst. WIth proper planning and strategy it can be overcome but it requires the right kind of discipline from you.
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