Taking a Home Loan is one of the biggest financial decisions in life. It is often the first step towards building your own nest. It is very easy to get carried away and not take into consideration some of the important factors while taking a home loan. If you keep these things in mind then you can save money and also clear your home loan at the earliest possible.
Lets us understand how to pay off home loans faster:
Re-examine your financial situation: Before taking any measures to pay off your home loan faster, first do a self check of all financial investments. Look at the short, long and medium term investments made and make sure that none of these are getting affected by the loan payment. The surplus amount of earnings left after meeting other financial goals should be directed towards payment of the home loan.
Change EMI and save interest: Before choosing an Home Loan EMI option that is lower, think twice. Even if you increase your monthly EMIs by a slight amount, there is a chance that you will have to pay a lesser interest. This in the long run will put more liquid funds in the hand and will also help you pay the loan amount in a shorter span of time. You can choose Bankbazaar's Home Loan EMI Calculator to calculate Home Loan EMI for your loan amount.
Consider partial payments: Whenever you have surplus funds in hands after receiving a bonus or increment, redirect those funds towards payment of the loan. Most banks and financial institutions allow this. This is one of the most convenient methods to clear loans in a speedy manner.
Budget other expenses: When you have a loan in hand, make it the first priority to clear the debt. If not, the interest rate will keep on adding up and it will become a financial burden that leads to a lot of frustration and emotional stress. This will affect your other financial goals and also make it difficult for family members. So cut down on luxurious spending, expensive holidays and splurging for while and direct those funds towards the loan instead.
Make a bigger down payment: It is always wiser to choose to make a huge downpayment to cut down on interest rates. The higher the down payment, the lesser the interest rate on the loan availed and vise versa.
Take a loan for a short term: Though this may sound overwhelming in the beginning, it is always better to take a loan for a shorter duration. This will help you pay off faster and also help save a considerable amount of money that will otherwise go out of the window as interest.
Apart from all these measures, it is also important to weigh all the pros and cons even before taking a plunge and going for a home loan. Compare all bank interest rates and choose one that is best in the market. Also, if you are a regular and long-term customer of a bank, make sure you negotiate and ask for a lower interest rate. Most banks will offer these kind of discounts to loyal customers.
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